You can think of this as database software or multi-threaded OLAP software.

This component makes use of symmetric multiprocessing hardware platforms, including thin client-side architecture and web deployment.

Essbase performs calculations, handles data storage, memory caching, performs data security, and assists in resource sharing.


Oracle Essbase is the industry-leading multidimensional online analytical processing server designed to forecast business performance levels and deliver what-if analysis for varying conditions. It does not have time, tables, or rows but uses the concept of    dimensions. We can store data in the form of figures only.

1.Rich User experience

It provides the end-users with a wide choice of interfaces and directly brings powerful OLAP. It helps us display Query results through interfaces of the user’s selection, including Microsoft Office tools and different types of intuitive reporting options offered by Oracle.

2.Advanced calculation engine

It has a highly advanced calculation engine with 350 prebuilt and out-of-the-box functions. It helps in quickening complex business models for development. This comprehensive library enables Oracle Essbase to surmount from simple aggregations to complex, cross-dimensional allocations. It also includes Financial formulas that support business model development.

3.Multidimensional Design and Extension

Data in Oracle Essbase can be clarified in dimensions, and size can represent a period, a customer, or a product. There are usually relationships between members to an extent, and a hierarchy means these relationships scale and let mathematical calculations be performed against the data.

4.Open, scalable, and secure

Oracle Essbase consists of a wide variety of tools that allow it to access any recognized data source; the data can then be merged into a single analytic view so that the entire enterprise can be consistently reported upon. Oracle Essbase’s performance is unmatched. It offers inherent capabilities to optimize data load. It enables detailed analysis of terabytes of data for thousands of users, providing fast, reliable information.

5.Reporting Options

A wide diversity of users from many departments may require using Oracle Essbase. Delivering the information to them in a suitable form is of utmost importance. Data is provided to Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition and presented through various formats, including interactive dashboards, financial reports, Microsoft Office, and advanced data visualization tools.